UEA awarded 1,080m HDD rising main for Abergeldie

Sydney Water has committed to servicing two major growth areas within the St Marys Wastewater System catchment by mid-2015. These are part of the existing rezoned Western Sydney Employment Area (WSEA) to the south and Jordan Springs Residential Village to the north of the St Marys Water Recycling Plant (WRP).

In order to deliver Wastewater services to these areas, Sydney Water is providing a new pumping station (SP1184) and a 1,080m pressure main to service the Jordan Springs North sub-catchment. The station will have an ultimate capacity to service up to 940 residential dwellings, plus flows from Xavier College.

Jordan Springs is a major new residential housing development being implemented by Lend Lease in the City of Penrith with 2,500 new properties planned for the subdivision.

The 225mm PN25 HDPE pressure main shall run from SP1184 through Wianamatta Regional Park to a new maintenance hole and connecting gravity main of the new Werrington Carrier Extension. The pressure main shall be directionally drilled on grade using UEA’s Vermeer D300x500 maxi rig to mitigate any impacts to the regional park during construction.

UEA is currently assisting Abergeldie Complex Infrastructure with the design and construction of the Rising main and expects works to commence onsite in November 2014.

It is expected the interconnecting gravity main and the Werrington Carrier Extension will be in place prior to June 2015, when the pumping station and Sewer Rising Main is scheduled for commissioning.

Sydney Water has committed to servicing two major growth areas within the St Marys Wastewater System catchment by mid-2015. These are part of the existing rezoned Western Sydney Employment Area (WSEA) to the south and Jordan Springs Residential Village to the north of the St Marys Water Recycling Plant (WRP).

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